Target your Customer through SILA Advertising

Do you want to reach key individuals and companies who are active in the business of insurance licensing and securities registration? SILA provides focused advertising opportunities that will put your message in front of your target audience. Advertising with SILA can be a great benefit for companies who offer solutions for compliance management, training and continuing education, contracting, insurance licensing, securities registration, CE compliance, and related products and services.
To discuss advertising, please contact Diana Capes at or 800-428-8329.
Advertising space on SILA’s website is available to member companies on a first-come, first-served basis. Ads are opened up for purchasing each quarter.
This is the best way to reach SILA's membership and anyone else who visits the SILA website. We offer ad spots in four locations on our member's only community (Top and Bottom ads on the community home page or subpages).
Community Homepage Banner Ads
- 962pxW x 125px H
- Animated GIF or JPG/PNG
- Monthly
- Two (2) banner spots available per month (top or bottom)
Monthly Price: $475.00 per ad
Community Subpage Banner Ads
- 962px W x 125px H
- Animated GIF or JPG/PNG
- Monthly
- Two(2) banner spots available per month (top or bottom)
Monthly Price: $400.00 per ad